The Clan Quiz
2023 Questions

You have 3:30secs. (200 seconds) to complete 15 questions and MUST score an average of 80% to qualify for this competition.


The Clan Quiz 2023

The number of attempts remaining is 1

1 / 15

Hophni and Phinehas were the sons of?

2 / 15

Which of the following is not an input device?

3 / 15

The Nigerian Civil war started in what year?

4 / 15

Which of the following is a way of controlling soil erosion?

5 / 15

An electronic device that takes input from the user and process these data under the control of a set of instructions and produces the output is called ______

6 / 15

Our plane was to _____ by 10am but was delayed by the weather

7 / 15

After the interrogation, the police ______ the information from the suspect

8 / 15

_________ is defined as the movement of people from one geographical area to another

9 / 15

Who is the current INEC chairman?

10 / 15

Who designed the Nigerian flag?

11 / 15

The activity of buying and selling, especially on a large scale is called?

12 / 15

Martha’s sister was

13 / 15

The first stage in the decision-making process is?

14 / 15

What shape is the Earth?

15 / 15

The following are the synonyms of the word "Intelligent" except _______

The average score is 74%
