The Clan Quiz Questions

You have 2:30secs. (150 seconds) to complete 10 questions and MUST score an average of 70% to qualify for this competition.


The Clan Quiz 2022

The number of attempts remaining is 1

1 / 10

Christmas is celebrated what day of the year

2 / 10

He does not like ______ leaving the class

3 / 10

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy because

4 / 10

Our plane was to _____ by 10am but was delayed by the weather

5 / 10

Which religion believes in Jesus Christ

6 / 10

Who gave Nigeria her name?

7 / 10

Diction in literature is a writer’s choice of

8 / 10

The hottest region in the world is

9 / 10

Which city is known as the heartbeat of the nation

10 / 10

Who was the first man to land on the moon?

The average score is 79%
